Sunday, 11 January 2015

Kick-starting the year

I've been meaning to do this for ages, as part of the BBC Wildlife Magazine Local Patch Reporters project, but also as part of my intention to write (and illustrate) a guide to wild spots in and around Salisbury. So here goes!

It's a funny thing, but until relatively recently, although passionate about the natural world, I hadn't really explored the locality. I'm Salisbury born and bred, but when growing up, our parents didn't have the time to get to know some of our local reserves, juggling their business with family life. Only really since Sixth Form (I'm now 32) have I been out and about.

Martin Down National Nature Reserve (NNR) was one hell of a discovery for me, being practically on my doorstep and THE most beautiful place I have ever visited, throughout the year. And, in latter years, I've been to New Zealand, Australia, North America and Tanzania, so it just goes to show you don't have to go far to see something amazing. This has just been recognised by the BBC Countryfile Magazine ( to cast your vote!!).

I'm an ecologist by training, and am extremely lucky that my work in Hampshire sees me visiting places most people don't get the chance to see. This also forms the inspiration for many of my artworks (see here for my website:

Right, let's start the year as I mean to go on - the sun is shining so where shall I walk this afternoon?...

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