Saturday, 5 March 2016

Winter, summer, winter, spring!

This is what my last couple of weeks have been like. You may recall I was just heading out to the Alps on a skiing holiday - as I left the UK, it was cold but when we arrived in Italy, we were surprised to find ourselves already at the resort. This surprise was because there was very little snow! In fact, temperatures soared that day, reaching 18 degrees - a temperature we had not packed for! Despite the retreating snow, it got colder during the week and we had a great time (even if we did ski in rain at one point, and across grass/mud on many occasions!). It made me wonder how the resorts will be impacted by climate change - whole local economies built on a weather pattern may fail. Disturbing stuff.

And so to this week - as we were leaving the resort it was snowing heavily and by all accounts has not stopped since. arriving in the UK, however, it felt very spring-like. And, on a short walk to the Stratford Reserve on Thursday, the bird song was thick in the air, mixing with the spectacle of lesser celandine and snowdrops amassing on the banks. A pair of swans were obviously building up the breeding season, with the cob noticing my presence, dashing across the river and hissing a warning. I've also noticed the plum tree in my garden is now starting to bloom too.

Looking forward to more flowers and insects out and about - the anticipation feels like it is building!

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