Sunday, 12 June 2016

Mad dogs and English (wo)men

We've had a string of lovely warm, sunny days lately, which makes any sort of activity exhausting! However, last Sunday I forced myself out of the flat for a quick walk and a bit of drawing next to the river.

Although not midday (it was about 2pm) it was absolutely boiling and very humid - not ideal walking or sitting-still-in-the-sun conditions! Nevertheless, the Stratford Reserve was a-buzz with insects and people, with swathes of yellow flag iris and meadow buttercup providing a sunny border to the footpath. Although still ungrazed, it's good to see that some wildflowers are still around - who knows what might come back once it's managed?

Exiting the reserve, I settled down next to the river on the Salisbury Council-owned land, and trying not to get showered by the many manic, wet dogs, quickly sketched out the scene before me. It was a great view looking towards the city, featuring the Cathedral and the old gas tower in the distance, with the river, rushes and reeds in the foreground.

I hope I can do justice to this idyllic scene - once again, very lucky to have this only a few minutes away from me. Unfortunately, the walk back involves a steep hill, which was a bit of a slog in the heat, humidity and carrying my art equipment, but worth suffering for the art I think!

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